Success Stories

Wolford Elementary School

The students at Wolford Elementary are now accomplished readers. Initial scores recorded by Istation suggested otherwise. The number of students not able to read at grade level in grades 3-5 was too high. Many teachers knew reading intervention was needed; however, they did not know exactly which one until we found Istation. By the end of the academic year, overall campus reading scores improved to much better levels.

Istation has had a huge impact on reading instruction and improvement in reading skills at our campus. We love Istation!

Fran Gratt, Principal, Wolford Elementary School, McKinney ISD

Our friends from Istation came to Wolford during the beginning of the school year to train our staff on the program. Teachers reviewed student progress reports provided through the Istation program in monthly staff meetings. Campus administrators had meetings with individual teachers to ensure fidelity to the program. Our English Language Arts and Reading coordinator was called in for “on demand” training with teachers when further assistance was needed.

Parents were made aware of the district’s use of Istation early on. Many times a year, teachers sent home the “student summary handout” generated by the Istation program to parents. We believe that parents are our full partners in the educational process and using these reports really helped us keep families informed.

– Fran Gratt, Principal, Wolford Elementary School, McKinney ISD

Istation was implemented at 15 of 20 elementary campuses in McKinney ISD.