How do you know which nursing schools are the best in Texas? Our experts reviewed the top Nursing schools in Texas and picked the best ones. We want you to get a great education and start to your nursing career!
We looked at all the top nursing schools and we found some school districts that are better than other. We looked at a lot of things, like how many teachers there are and how many students. Plus, we also looked at extracurricular activities, college readiness, academic performance, and state test scores!
Keep reading to learn more about our top rated schools
Texas Christian University
TCU is our top choice for the best nursing school in Texas. This school is in Fort Worth, Texas. They offer an RN to BSN program. They let you take nursing courses at night! It’s one of the best nursing schools in Texas because they have high academic standards and an amazing faculty.
There are many reasons why TCU is our number 1 pick for the top Nursing Schools in Texas. The first reason is that they have a great faculty and staff. The second reason is that the school has very high academic standards and one of the best nursing programs in Texas. There are many things that make TCU stand out from other schools:
- They allow you to take online courses while working
- High academic standards
- You can take part in guest lectures at the school
- Extra curricular activities for nursing students
You can graduate in 2 years if you take between 21 and 24 credits per semester. TCU is one of the best Nursing schools in Texas, but one negative thing is that you have to pay a lot! There are four types of scholarships available: academic, talent, need based, or university
Baylor University
Baylor University in Waco is a top Nursing school because of their great faculty, high achievement level, and many available extra-curricular activities.
There are many reasons why Baylor is one of the best Nursing schools in Texas. The first reason is because it has a great faculty with over 100 different teachers! Another reason is that it has high academic standards. This school also offers many amazing opportunities outside of the classroom.
Another reason why Baylor is one of the best Nursing schools in Texas is because it has some great extra-curricular activities. For example, you can join the student nurse association which is a club. If you are also on an athletic team or if you want to try out for one then that’s possible too!
Baylor also offers programs for students who work full time, as well as evening classes available. Overall Baylor university is definitely one of the best Nursing schools in Texas because of their high academic standards and amazing faculty. There are many different scholarships available including need based and talent based ones! The main scholarship is called “University Undergraduate Scholarship”. There are three others: Academic Promise Award, Nursing Scholarship, and HHS Leadership Scholarship.
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Arlington is in our list of top Texas nursing schools because it has an amazing faculty and high academic standards.
UT Arlington is one of the top Nursing schools in Texas because it’s a public school and it has many different scholarships available to students which makes it affordable! There are also several different extracurricular activities for students including:
- Student Nurse Association (SNA)
- Honor Society Organizations
- Campus Ministry
- Student Leadership Opportunities
There are also multiple programs for students who are working full time or evening courses available. Overall, UT Arlington is one of the best Nursing schools in Texas because it has a great faculty and an affordable price! There are many different scholarships to choose from including need based, talent based, and University based ones.
Texas Woman’s University
Texas Woman’s University, located in Denton TX, is our pick for the best Nursing school in North Texas. Nursing students at TWU say that the school has very great faculty, high academic standards, and many available extra curricular activities. There are three campuses in Denton, Houston and Dallas – all of the campuses offer a great education so you can attend in any part of the state.
Texas Woman’s University also has a very strong undergraduate program that can prepare you for a future in nursing. The school has many online courses available for students who are on a time crunch, which is why this school makes it on the list of best Nursing schools in Texas. There are multiple scholarships that you can apply to including talent based and need based ones.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University in College Station is one of the biggest and most well knows Nursing colleges in Texas. The Texas A&M College of Nursing offers a 5 semester traditional BSN degree as well as advanced degrees like MSN Nursing Education, MSN Family Nurse Practitioner and MSN Forensic Nursing, advanced students can study for a Doctor of Nursing Practice.
Texas A&M University also has a very prestigious reputation and the faculty has a high degree of excellence. There are many different extra curricular activities for students, including:
- Student Nurse Association (SNA)
- Honor Society Organizations
- Campus Ministry
- Student Leadership Opportunities
This Nursing school also offers flexible class schedules but does require that applicants have a least a 3.0 GPA
Midwestern State University
Midwestern State University is located in Wichita Falls, Texas and is another well known Nursing school in Texas. Midwestern State University offers a traditional BSN degree which can prepare students to work both in hospitals and outside of them for example working with pharmaceutical companies or insurance companies.
Midwestern State University offers a very affordable price but yet it still has high academic standards so this makes it one of the best Nursing schools in Texas because it has a reputation for having good faculty and it also offers multiple scholarships to students including:
- Health Professions Scholarship (HPS)
- Leadership Scholarships
This school makes it on our list of best nursing schools in Texas. It is affordable and still maintains high academic standards, so you can receive a great education and be very well trained as a nurse!
University of Houston
The University of Houston College of Nursing made it on our list of best Nursing schools in Texas because it has a very great faculty and affordable cost to attend – it is our pick for the best nursing school in south texas!
The UH College of Nursing offers an excellent program for students who are interested in pursuing a degree as a nurse or other advanced degree. UH offers a traditional BSN program, Second degree program and RN to BSN program so it has classes for whatever goals you may have.
The UH College of Nursing has an online course schedule that is very flexible, which makes it one of the best Nursing schools in Texas! There are many different scholarships available including need based and University based ones.
There are also many different extra curricular activities on campus for students to get involved with, some of these include:
- Nursing Student Association (NSA)
- Student Leadership Opportunities
This school makes it on our list of best nursing schools in Texas because it has reasonable costs, flexible class schedules and great faculty! It is one of the top rated Nursing schools in South Texas.
How We Picked
Are you looking for additional information about our grading system? Here are the criteria that helped us select the top public and private colleges in Texas for Nursing.
- Location – The Nursing school or university has to be located in te state of Texas
- Test scores – Although test results do not directly define a school, schools that rank higher tend to perform better.
- Extracurricular activities – More than simply classes, the more outside of the classroom you get, the better.
- Public sentiment – The reputation of your school is important, and higher-rated schools allow you to obtain employment more easily and develop a more extensive career network.
- Job opportunities – You know what they say; it’s better to be at the top of the mountain than at the bottom. Schools that rank higher in our list often give their students more opportunities when looking for employment .
- Academic success – Students who attend schools with high test scores are statistically proven to be more successful – and less stressed!
- Teacher/student ratio – On the one hand, you want enough professors to make sure your education is receiving attention. On the other hand, class sizes must be reasonable enough to allow for individualized instruction and interaction with peers.
- Awards – Awards reflect more than simply test scores; they also indicate that students are making strides within their professions without regard for outside influence
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