Looking for a Way to Help your Child with Math and Reading?

Texas SUCCESS can help! Texas SUCCESS provides access to interactive math and reading programs for students in grades 3-8. This means your child will have access to meaningful learning during and after school – all you need to get started is internet access.

Istation Reading offers your child reading instruction and activities that adapt to your child’s reading level, skills and abilities. Your student will have fun with the characters and activities in the program while building a stronger reading foundation which is fundamental to academic success. (A small desktop application will need to be downloaded to your home computer before your child can access Istation. More information on this is provided when you set up your account.)

Think Though Math offers motivation paired with computer-adaptive instruction which allows your student to progress based on their own skills at their own pace.  Think Through Math includes access to LIVE state-certified math teachers that provide additional assistance if a student is struggling on a math concept or lesson.  The more math students do the more skilled at math they become so the Think Though Math program motivates students by awarding points and badges that students can spend on customizing their avatar, donate points to charity and even compete in class and statewide contests.

It’s easy to get your kids started:

  • First talk to your child’s teacher because your student may already have Istation and Think Through Math accounts through their school.
  • If you find your school is not participating or if you child is home schooled, please visit http://TexasSUCCESS.org and click on sign up under the Math and/or Reading headings located on the top menu bar to create your accounts.

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