It’s no secret that Texans love to play football, and many of the best players in the country come from Texas. But what about pharmacy schools? There are a number of great pharmacy colleges in Texas that will set you up for success when it comes to pursuing your dreams.

The best ones offer nationally recognized programs with hands-on experience and clinical preparation so you can be ready when you graduate. These schools offer multiple degree options including Doctorate, Master’s, Bachelors and PharmD degrees so there is something for everyone. If you’re looking to become a leading pharmacist in Texas or just want to try something new, these schools have everything you need!

We studied all of the best Pharmacy schools to see which ones were better than others. We considered a variety of criteria, including how many instructors there are and how many students attend each school, test scores, national ratings and future job opportunities. Keep reading to learn more about our top 8 texas pharmacy schools of 2024.

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University is our choice for the top pharmacy school in Texas because of its high national rankings and various degree options. The school has a 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio in order to give students lots of one on one time with their instructors, which makes learning easier.

The campus is located in Lubbock, TX and has about 23,000 students enrolled per year. In fact, it’s the best best pharmacy schools in texas for large public universities. This is a very competitive program that requires an application fee along with your SAT or ACT scores from either the old or new test.

In addition to being ranked number five overall out of all Pharmacy programs, Texas Tech University also leads in terms of job placement opportunities upon graduation. They have a 100% employment rate within six months of graduation. Many students go on to work at large corporations like Harris Pharmaceuticals and PPD, while others choose to start their own businesses or become researchers.

Texas Tech University is nationally ranked number five best pharmacy schools in the country!

University of North Texas

University of North Texas, located in Denton, is number two on our list of top Texas Pharmacy schools because of its high national rankings and accredited program. This is a fairly large university with an enrollment of 38,000 students per year.

The best best pharmacy schools in texas school for both private and public universities, the student to faculty ratio here is 18:1. It’s best to apply early because it can be very competitive. In addition to having great job placement rates post-graduation, they also offer excellent financial aid which makes this affordable best pharmacy schools in Texas.

This is a four year degree that requires SAT or ACT scores as well as letters of recommendations and an application fee. Students who graduate from University of North Texas have gone on to work for many large companies such as Kroger Pharmacy and Walgreens.

Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University, located in College Station, made our list of top pharmacy colleges because they have a 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio. This is best best pharmacy schools in texas for small private universities and best best pharmacy schools in Texas if you’re looking for research opportunities.

They offer Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degree options, with an application fee of $100. In addition to being nationally ranked number eight overall out of all Pharmacy programs, they are also top best best pharmacy schools in texas for large public universities.

Graduates from this program have gone on to work at places like Baylor University Medical Center as well as drug development companies like Genentech. If you’re looking to be part of the research process or want your name attached to the next big drug that gets produced, this best pharmacy schools in texas is a great place to start.

University of Houston

The University of Houston is best best pharmacy schools in texas for both private and public universities. Located in Houston, this school has an on-campus enrollment of over 40,000 students per year.

The student to faculty ratio is 17:1 which is fairly low compared best best pharmacy schools in texas . This program only offers the PharmD degree option with an application fee of $50. They also require SAT or ACT scores as well as letters of recommendation and a minimum GPA set by the undergraduate school you attended. All applicants also must have at least a 2.0 GPA and complete an number of undergraduate biology and chemistry courses. Other requirements include taking the PCAT and completing 25 hours of community service.

University of Texas at Tyler

The University of Texas at Tyler is our fifth choice on our list of top Pharmacy schools due to their high national rankings and affordable best best pharmacy schools in Texas program. Located in Tyler, Texas this public university has over 8,000 students enrolled per year and is best best pharmacy schools in texas for large public universities.

Their PharmD degree option best best pharmacy schools in texas requires an application fee of $50 as well as SAT or ACT scores, a resume and three letters of recommendations. They also have a rolling admissions best best pharmacy schools in texas which means that as soon as your application is processed it will be reviewed by the best best pharmacy schools in Texas administration.

Another great thing about this best best pharmacy schools in texas is that they offer excellent financial aid packages best best pharmacy schools in texas, so you won’t have to worry about paying the full price. Graduates from this program have gone on best best pharmacy schools in texas to work at places like St. Luke’s Medical Center as well as hospitals and private practices around the best best pharmacy schools in Texas area.

The University of Texas

The University of Texas in Austin made our list of the best pharmacy schools due to the research facilities, quality of education, education and student loan packages. It’s also best best pharmacy schools in Texas if you’re looking to work with the school itself, as they have a world-renowned research center. UT Austin offers a Pharmacy Doctorate (Pharm.D.) and a (M.S., Pharm.D./Ph.D, and Ph.D.) so there are education options available for any type of student.

How We Picked

Looking for additional information about our ranking system? The following are the criteria that aided us in selecting the finest public and private colleges in Texas for Pharmacy degrees.

  • Location – The school or university has to be located in Texas
  • Test scores – Test score do not define a school, but those that score higher tend to do better
  • Extracurricular activities – University is about more than class, the more outside the classroom the better
  • Public sentiment – What people think of your school district matters, higher rated schools mean better access to jobs and a better career network

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